Birth Stories This page is still under construction- enjoy!
Inspire Yourself

Healing from Birth Trauma
Rebecca was my doula for my VBAC water birth. She helped turn my baby from breech with exercises and massage. She was an unbelievable help throughout my pregnancy, birth, and postpartum care. Her encouraging words of strength and hope helped me feel like I could make it through each contraction. She held my hand and said the most profound words during the transition and through the pushing. Her knowledge, experience, and intuition are more than you could ever hope for in birth. Because of her, my VBAC water birth was a dream made reality and she brought healing to my traumatic previous experience with birth. There aren't enough words to express my gratitude for this beautiful lady. I will never forget how she helped me. The birth she was doula for me is still one of my most favorite life experiences! Thank you Rebecca!
Kristi G.
Home Birth
First Baby
To whom it may concern:
Rebecca Dundore attended my home birth in March of 2021 as a doula. Her presence and support were pivotal in my labor. She created an environment of love, intuitive emotional support, and practical, hands-on assistance that, had I gone without, probably would have lead to trip to the hospital and an emergency c-section. I am incredibly thankful for her.
I am excited to see Rebecca pursue assisting more woman birth, and I think that the skills, education, and heart that she brings to the table will aide and empower many women greatly as she helps them bring their children forth.
Kayla H.